Enable everyone to do the best work of their lives by creating an environment where Rightmovers can grow, belong and make an impact.
Alignment with UN SDGs
We value the richness that comes from different perspectives and we care about creating a culture of belonging and support
We’re passionate about enabling Rightmovers to grow their careers and to reach their full potential
We are committed to having a highly engaged workforce through a great employee experience
We believe in giving back and being a force for good in our communities
Our people bring great talent, energy and experience to the business and are vital to Rightmove’s success. Making Rightmove a great pace to work is a management objective and recognises that our people are our most valued asset.
Employee engagement
We conduct a ‘Have your Say’ people survey twice a year to gauge how our employees feel about working for Rightmove. The survey results are followed up by every manager, supported by our HR team. We place great importance on the feedback of our employees, and we achieved a ‘Great Place to Work’ score of 82% at the end of 2024.
Attracting talent with the right skills and capabilities is critical to delivering on our strategy and delivering value to all stakeholders. In 2024, we expanded our Talent Acquisition team to enable us to purposefully move towards more direct hiring of candidates, ensuring that potential Rightmovers have a tailored hiring journey from contact to hire.
Growth and development are fundamental parts of the Rightmove culture. They empower people to direct their own careers and reach their full potential, as well as delivering results for Rightmove and ensuring we can deliver on our strategy. In 2024, Rightmove provided its employees with an average of 15 hours of training. 100% of employees at Rightmove were offered training. The total number of training hours provided in 2024 was 13,073 hours, including 2,885 hours of mandatory training and 10,187 hours of technical development training. The average training cost per employee was £523.
Rightmove offers a comprehensive range of competitive benefits to our employees.
A group stakeholder pension plan is offered to all employees, under which Rightmove offers a 7% contribution where employees contribute 4% or more of their salary.
Employee share schemes
To enable employees to benefit directly from their contribution to Rightmove’s success, we offer two all-employee share plans, which help align the interests of employees with those of our shareholders.
Hybrid working policy
In 2023, having considered employee feedback, and following a trial of three days a week working from home, we have continued with our hybrid working policy, which allows employees the flexibility to work up to three days a week from home. Teams collectively chose the two days per week to be in the office together to optimise time together. Our offices remain open five days a week for any employees who prefer to work from the office. We also support other flexible working arrangements, part-time working and reduced hours to allow our employees to balance their home and work commitments.
To read more about supporting mental health and well-being please click here.
Health & Safety
The health and wellbeing of all employees and visitors to our sites is a priority for the business, and during the year we have ensured that our premises continue to provide a safe working environment. Rightmove has a fully compliant Health and Safety Policy and appropriate insurance for all its employees. We also ensure the maintenance of plant and equipment, safe handling and use of all substances and the prevention of accidents and causes of ill-health.
We are pleased to report that we have had no fatalities or serious injuries reported during the year, and there was no lost time due to work-related incidents or work-related occupational disease.
In response to the requirements of Code provision 5, to engage with the workforce to understand their views, the Board has developed alternative arrangements, Board Connection sessions; for more details, see page 54 of our 2024 Annual Report. The Board considers that this tailored arrangement, with direct feedback opportunities, and which are offered to all employees, is most effective for Rightmove’s inclusive and engaged culture.
In 2023, we have continued to promote inclusion and diversity in our workforce and have increased our focus on ethnic diversity.
In line with the Parker Review recommendation that all FTSE 100 Boards should have at least one director from an ethnically diverse background by 2021, we are pleased to confirm that Rightmove has three out of eight (38%) Directors from ethnically diverse backgrounds as at 31 December 2023.
Please turn to our latest Annual Report for full details about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Rightmove.
Our policy is to give full and fair consideration to people with disabilities for all vacancies and we have inclusive hiring procedures to ensure fair practices and that people with disabilities are equally considered. We make reasonable adjustments for people with disabilities throughout their career at Rightmove. We continue to support and retain employees who become disabled during their employment with us.
Our aim is to have an employee base representative of the wider UK population.
For further detail on Ethnic Diversity please turn to our latest Annual Report
As at 31 December 2024, Female employees made up 50% (2023: 51%) of employees at Rightmove, and 31% of Rightmove Senior Management (2022: 39%).
The Rightmove plc Board of Directors consists of 38% women.
For further detail on Gender Diversity please turn to our latest Annual Report.
Rightmove has published its gender pay gap report.
Rightmove employees are paid equally for working in the same jobs and we are pleased to report that men and women are almost equally represented in our wider workforce.
Our latest Gender Pay Gap report is here.
We are pleased to report that charitable donations, including matched funding and sponsorship, totalled £299,680 in 2023 (2022: £243,000). In 2024, we have continued our partnership with youth homelessness charity Centrepoint, donating funds to help with their Independent Living Programme, a project that helps young people into a rented home of their own. We provided data analysis on rental supply, demand and pricing dynamics to help inform their future local developments, and we helped them to use the reach of our platform to advertise their key fundraising messages. We also had partnerships with the Canal and River Trust to highlight water sustainability and with Support Dogs, who train assistance dogs to help people with a range of disabilities to live independently. We have also supported smaller charities which are local to our three offices, where our support can make a significant impact, including Willen Hospice and Harry’s Rainbow in Milton Keynes and Albert Kennedy Trust and Stomping Grounds in Newcastle.
Rightmove offers tools and training to support its customers to run their businesses more efficiently. Rightmove Plus is included free of charge as part of all Rightmove membership packages and helps customers throughout the property marketing lifecycle. The Best Price Guide is a reporting tool within Rightmove Plus, which helps agents to gather comparable properties to support their suggested property price, saving them time. Opportunity Manager is a lead management tool available in our Optimiser package, powered by an algorithm that is constantly learning and improving to intelligently spot the home hunters who are most likely to turn into potential sellers in an agent’s area.
The Certificate for Estate and Lettings Agents (CELA) continues to be rolled out to our customers, free of charge.
Rightmove also offers training, advice and free webinars to customers through the Rightmove Hub.
In 2024, over 2,500 agents signed up to CELA, with over 25,000 training course enrolments (+49% on 2023); and over 9,000 webinar guests.