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We are committed to becoming a net Zero business in our direct operations by 2030 and in our value chain by 2040.

Rightmove’s purpose is to make home moving in the UK easier and in doing so, we will innovate to help our consumers and customers use technology to save time and resources, reducing their own environmental impact and carbon footprint. Our ability to reach the largest UK property market audience and professionals, gives Rightmove an opportunity to contribute to the reduction of the UK’s carbon footprint, as well as to focus on our own operations and our own emissions.

Alignment with the UN SDGs

Our latest ESG report provides full details of our environment strategy and reporting, including our TCFD statement and our validated SBTi targets.

Energy and Greenhouse Gas Report

Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting


Rightmove plc is required to report its energy use and carbon emissions in accordance with the Companies (Directors’ Report) and Limited Liability Partnerships (Energy and Carbon Report) Regulations 2018. The data detailed in the table below shows emissions and energy use for which Rightmove plc is responsible and has operational control over, including energy used in offices and fuel used in company vehicles. We have used the main requirements of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard to calculate our emissions, along with the UK Government GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting 2023. There are no overseas operations. We have restated our comparison year’s 2022 emissions to ensure consistency with the latest calculation methodology followed for the 2023 calculations.

2023 2022
Total kWh 1,282,135 1,093,581
Scope 1 Company Car Travel and Natural Gas(1) 209.51 169.77
Scope 2 Electricity (location-based)(1) 84.77 78.06
Total Scope 1 + Scope 2 (location-based) 294.28 247.83
tCO2e (Scope 1 + 2) per employee (location-based)(2) 0.40 0.38
tCO2e (Scope 1 + 2) per £ million turnover (location-based)(3) 0.81 0.75
Scope 2 Emissions from purchased electricity (market-based) 0.00 3.13
Total Scope 1 + Scope 2 emissions (market-based) 209.51 172.90
tCO2e (Scope 1 + 2) per employee (market-based)(2) 0.29 0.27
tCO2e (Scope 1 + 2) per £ million turnover (market-based)(3) 0.58 0.52

(1) Scopes 1&2 are reported in tonnes of CO₂ equivalent.

(2) Based on average number of employees throughout the year 2023: 727, 2022: 647.

(3) Based on revenue of £364.3m for 2023 and £332.6m for 2022.


For further information, including our Scope 3 emissions,  please refer to the Environment section of our latest Annual Report.

Climate Action Plan and Net Zero Targets

SBTi Near-Term and Net-Zero Targets

Rightmove plc has approved near and long-term science-based emissions reduction targets with the Science Based Targets initiative. These targets can be found at and are as follows:


Net-Zero reduce absolute scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions by 90% by 2040, from a 2020 base year, and reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions 90% by 2040 from a 2020 base year.
Near-term reduce our absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 47.6% by 2030, compared to our FY2020 base year and our absolute scope 3 GHG emissions 42% within the same timeframe.

We are aiming to reach net-zero in our direct operations (Scope 1 and 2) ahead of this, by 2030.

Please see our Annual Report for progress against these targets.

Long-term targets to achieve Net Zero
In order to meet our net zero commitments, we will conduct an annual analysis of the Group’s Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, and have committed to the following climate action plans:

SCOPE 1 Company Car travel

Company cars to be ultra-low emission

75% by 2025

100% by 2028

Customer contact policy to allow a minimum of two days a week on the road.

Replace company cars with electric vehicles or equivalent emissions by 2030.

SCOPE 2 Office electricity – transfer to renewables

Ensure all offices are powered by renewable electricity.

ESOS stage 3 review recommendations to be evaluated

SCOPE 3 Outsourced Data Centres

Work with one data centre provider to move to renewable energy

Continue rack reduction in all data centres

Transition to hybrid cloud data solution over three years with a cloud provider using entirely renewable energy.

Commuting and homeworking

Hybrid working policy – maintain flexibility of office working to reduce commuting emissions (which are lower than homeworking emissions).

We will continue to monitor and review our hybrid working policy to optimise the use of home and office working for operating performance, employee welfare and environmental impact.

Supply Chain

We have identified Rightmove’s top suppliers in marketing, market research and information services and launched a carbon emissions survey. A key area of focus going forward will be working with our suppliers to actively reduce expenditure on marketing channels associated with high emissions intensity and encourage information services suppliers to improve environmental reporting and move to renewable energy, as we have with cloud services.

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures


We are committed to reporting in line with the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (‘TCFD’) and its recommendations. Our latest TCFD Statement can be found in the ESG section of our latest Annual Report.


Our climate governance is incorporated into our main governance structure with oversight from the Board. The Chief Financial Officer has executive responsibility for implementing Rightmove’s ESG strategy and chairs the Risk Committee. Our Governance structure can be found here.


Rightmove’s purpose is to make home moving in the UK easier by innovating in ways that help our consumers and customers to use technology in a way that makes the home moving process more efficient, saves time and resources and helps to cut carbon emissions. Our ability to reach the UK ’s largest property market audience and professionals gives Rightmove a rare opportunity to contribute to the reduction of the property market’s carbon footprint, as well as focusing on our own operational efficiency and emissions.

Risk Management

The Board has overall oversight and responsibility for Rightmove’s Risk Management Framework, which supports the identification, assessment and management and control of the risks facing Rightmove – this is described in detail, together with the Board, Audit Committee and Risk Committee responsibilities, in the Risk Management section of our Annual Report. The Risk Management Framework includes ESG and climate-related risks, which are established as their own risk categories and fully integrated into the risk register. The Board and Audit Committee review all significant and emerging risks semi-annually.

Metrics and Targets

Please find our Energy and Greenhouse Gas Report above.  Our environmental targets and our progress against these can be found in our latest Annual Report.

Go Greener

The UK’s current target is to become Net Zero by 2050, and 25% of the UK’s emissions are directly attributable to property¹.

As consumers and other stakeholders become increasingly concerned about the environment, sustainability will become a key discriminator in land, build, property selection and homeowning/financing. Policymakers and companies will face greater pressure to act.

Our Go Greener strategy

Using our market leading information and data for the benefit of all industry stakeholders to progress sustainability and to reach our internal company targets. Please turn to our latest Annual Report for further details on our Go Greener strategy.

Greener Rightmove

Continue to make our business more sustainable by minimising our environmental impact and becoming a Net Zero business by 2040 and in our direct operations by 2030

Greener Data

Become the leading source of green data and insight and create owned and partner opportunities across Rightmove’s ecosystem

Greener Homes

Become the leading trusted voice for home movers, landlords, agents and new homes developers to help them understand the challenges, opportunities & benefits of going green

Greener Buildings

Lead the way in helping commercial tenants and investors to discover sustainable buildings

Go Greener employee group

Our Go Greener employee group was launched in 2023 to embed the Go Greener initiative across Rightmove and to create bottom-up momentum and ownership of environmental projects.

Greener Homes Report

Launched in October 2024, our third Greener Homes Report uses our whole of market data to track the progress towards sustainable homes. We outline the current obstacles, and suggest ways to accelerate the transition to a greener housing stock. We also look at the emergence of a ‘green wealth divide’, the impact of the new Government’s 2030 EPC targets for rental homes, and the things that could be done to help households go greener. In addition, we reveal the opinions of thousands of home-owners, renters and landlords, to show how people are feeling about the progress that’s been made, as well as what could come next.

Rightmove Greener Homes Report

ESG Ratings Indices

Rightmove reports against the following indices:

  • FTSE4Good Index
  • ISS
  • MSCI
  • S&P CSA
  • Sustainalytics
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